Friday, December 10, 2010

Social Commentary

I visited a Philly prison the other week and got a tour from a prison guard who has been in the business over twenty years. Much of what I saw and heard was eye-opening. For starters, you do not want to go to jail, it did not seem like a fun place at all. I have some personal views on the whole prison system in America after seeing one for myself and also having two different Criminology classes this semester at college. I’ll let you know my personal views and also how I think the prison system could change. Basically the way I see it American prisons now have three separate functions.
            The first function of the prison is a mental hospital. Many of the inmates in prison are receiving psychological treatment for different mental health issues. Pennsylvania is lacking in mental health hospitals and many “crazy” people are now simply out on the streets without homes. This leads them to get picked up for petty crimes and they spend their time awaiting trial in jail. Most actually enjoy this time because they have a bed to sleep in, are fed and get full medical and dental care. Actually the tour guide said that in the winter months they have “seasonal inmates” who come in because it is too cold outside. They will in fact commit a petty crime they know will land them in jail because they know that the courts are backed up and it will take them time to get before a judge but once they do the charges are so small they will probably be dropped anyway. The guard said he has even had inmates cry when they are discharged because prison was the only place they felt they belonged. In prison the inmates are given jobs to do and probably get to know other people with the same type of issues they have themselves, giving them a sense of community. On the outside they are the outcasts of society.
            The second function is drug rehabilitation. Most of the inmates used or abused drugs and alcohol before coming to jail and some do not even remember committing their crime because they were under the influence at the time. The prison had a 12 step program and also a methadone clinic. However, there were no clinics for speed, crack or cocaine because these are not physically addictive. Many of these addicts are in jail because their addiction led them to steal or commit crimes to fund their drug habit. I believe that most of these people would not be criminals if it were not for addiction and drug rehabilitation would be much more useful for them and may keep them out of jail in the future and keep them form every having to experience prison.
            The third function is to house criminals, what most people believe is the only function even though I personally disagree. Still from my one class I have learned that a majority of criminals have certain traits, which make them more likely to have antisocial personalities, which can lead to crime. Things like damage or lower functioning in the prefrontal cortex of the brain or low heart rate are biological signs that someone is more prone to antisocial personality disorder. If you combine that with the social situations that most of these offenders were born into, it is no surprise that they end up in the prison system. I think that some sort of rehabilitation of educational program could be more beneficial than prison.
            I do believe that prison is a necessary part of our society. However, it is a fact that our prisons are overcrowded and it is wasting out taxpayer’s money to house all these people in prison when in reality most of them probably do not need to be there. There is a portion who are simply trying to get into prison so they can get some shelter, food and care. When the homeless or drug addicts go to prison this is only going to hinder them more from getting a job and getting their life together on the outside because they are months or years out of society and that will always be on their record. This is obviously setting them up for a bad situation which will probably continue the cycle of drug use, stealing, and so on. As a society we need to look at the biological and social reasons for why people are committing crimes and try to fix them as well as educate society against criminal behavior. This will create not only a safer but also more productive society and keep us from having to pay so much to house criminals!



  1. prisons are also big money, its nearly a billion dollar industry.the prison labor force provides cheap labor for some large corporations. these corporations pretty much run the country and have politicians in their pocket.they often lobby for longer sentences for criminals, and they honestly don't give a shit if they need to be there or if their getting rehabilitated. they also make it hard for prison reform-which it seems like from your blog you would be in support of. sad fact is as long as someone is making bank off of people being in jail, they will continue to throw people in there whether they need to be there or not.

  2. It really is sad because I believe that crime is one of the biggest problems in our country, most especially living in the city, I think it could be our worst problem. It will be very hard to change not only because of the money but also because politicians will never want to seem more lenient on crime because the opponent will use it against him by putting fear into the voters eyes that this will somehow make the streets less safe. Everything is political and going anything but tougher on crime is political suicide although usually going tough on crime means making ridiculous decisions that really do not help society at all.
